Congratulations, you have found our hidden page.
Your curiosity got you here, let's see if your tenaciousness will keep you here.
On this page you will find a hidden curriculum that, if followed along with the current curriculum, will create a fast path to advancement within the system.
Remember: “The more you train, the more you CAN train, and the deeper THAT training gets.”
Good luck!
The Hidden Curriculum
Read these books:
Ninjutsu: History and Tradition
By: Maasaki Hatsumi
The Ninja and Their Secret Fighting Art
By: Stephen K. Hayes
Always Keep Good Notes!
Do these exercises at least twice a week:
Junan Taiso:
Ichimonji Stretch
Butterfly Stretch
Fingers Stretch
Neck Stretch
3 Forward rolls
3 Backward Rolls
3 Cartwheels
Body Movements:
Evade in the 8 directions
Knees-to-chest jumping
Aware Knee Bending
Disclaimer: This is not a religious book, but one on psychology. (Bad title wording)