Elemental Campcraft

Elemental Campcraft
Basic campcraft skills, you will learn:
Traditional camping in the time when camping first became a recreational activity.
Multi-person survival, you will learn:
How to work as a team to ensure everyone gets to come home safe.
There are five training modules. Each one designed to teach you a specific aspect of living with nature and its many useful processes.
You begin with Earth. The most important skill to learn in the southeastern woodlands of the U.S.A. is shelter building. How best to use nature as your ally and not something to fight against. (Trust me… She will win.)
Then you progress into the nurishment stage, Water. In the Water module, you will learn the differences between filtering and purification and why you should always do both with your naturally sourced water. You will also learn some tasty recipes to keep you well fed and satisfied.
Once you learn about the basics of water and earth, you will be introduced to Fire. Fire lifts our spirits and warms us when we are cold. Nothing compares to the spiritual calm one receives when staring into a warm campfire with a full belly on a cold night.
Once we learn about the 3 grounded skills, we venture into the sky. The Wind Module focuses on clouds and atmospheric changes. Learn to accurately predict the future’s weather by taking a pause and looking into the sky above.
Last, but definitely not least, there is the Heart Module. Here you will learn the most about Nature’s Processes and how to apply them to your daily life. At the end of this module, (and if you pass the test) you will be awarded your certificate of completion for the Elemental Campcraft style of classic camping.