“…After so many generations of obscurity in the shadowy recesses of history, the life philosophy of the ninja is now once again emerging, because once again, it is the time in human destiny in which ninpo is needed. May peace prevail so that mankind may continue to grow and evolve into the next great plateau.” - 宗家 Masaaki Hatsumi
Ninjutsu: History and Tradition
You read that right.
The warrior arts of ancient Japan, right here in middle Georgia.
Remember: Don't let mass media define your assumptions. There is more to this then you might think.

Some History
The 1970s and 80s saw a boom in training in the martial arts. From that era we get Bill “The supperfoot” Wallace, Chuck Norris and the iconic Bruce Lee. It also gave us Stephen K. Hayes, the father of ninjutsu in America. The art has changed much over the years, but much has stayed the same.
This is the art of perseverance. The art of never giving up has influenced me through all of my life’s challenges. From living through suicidal depression for 7 years to building an almost indomitable happy spirit, I thank my training for getting me through it all.
Expand your experience of life
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu has a special place in my heart as an art that applies to every aspect of daily living. From defending yourself in the streets to defending your ideas in conversation, the Bujinkan can help you.
You stay limber and strong through the act of training itself. We have Junin Taiso (body conditioning), long weapons training, short weapons training, flexible weapons training, Tai Sabaki (body management training), special breathing techniques, tactics and strategy, and more.
As I grew and learned more about this exciting art, I began to understand how broad a training this art really is. You can too…
Grow into a well rounded protector
Become more than just a fighter that knows some cool moves.
So much is hidden within the Bujinkan system. Look and you will see more than you expected.
Learn a martial art worth living and bring that past into today’s world with ancient practices and modern understandings.